"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Day at Gammy's

Today, Stacy and I packed the car and the boys up and headed to Gammy and PawPaw's house. We had nothing planned to do, just wanted to all be together. It was one of the best days I have had in a long time. We sat around, played with the boys, and pretty much just talked to one another. About lunch time Meme and Paw came over and we loved getting to talk to them as well. I love spending the day with my family! On the way over there, I looked back to check on the boys and they were holding hands. It was SOOO cute. They are so sweet and they just love each other so much. I hope they always stay as close as they are.
After lunch and nap we decided to go outside and play in the sprinkler and on the fort. It was a great day!

Nathan was so cute going around with the toy guns and saying "pow pow"

He also thinks that anything close to a round shape is a ball, and will play with ANY ball he can find. Today, he was playing with lemons. Reese and Nathan would throw them into the yard, then go get the "balls" They were having a blast.

When they were done with the sprinklers, Gammy and Nathan went to slide for a little bit.

I'm not sure who was having the most fun, mom or Nathan. Probably pretty close between the two of them.

When it was time to go in, I took a look at this:

Oh my, what fun was had today!!!


  1. such a fun day! I had that best time too...just doing nothing but being together! It was perfect.

  2. Me too! It was fun. Can't wait to see yall Sunday and celebrate our dads!! Gammy
